Monday, April 15, 2013

A.... and J.... B.... will officially be baptized on Saturday

Dear everyone,
Well, I don't know that I have much to talk about this week.  My Birthday was nice.  =)  Word got out to the members (somehow) that it was and I got like 3 cakes.  That was nice.  We worked our tails off and had much success in finding.  We're going to try to collect that harvest this week.
A... and J... B... will officially be baptized on Saturday.  On the 4th we'll see a few more members of Augusto's family enter into the waters.  We're working hard with them and loving them and their progress.
We met a cool couple this week.  The wife is a less-active member and the husband knows nothing of the church.  However, they came to church and he liked it.  We sat with him and he was very kind and charming.  The wife wants to come back to church and live the Gospel.  I'm excited to see how they do in the coming week.

I'm learning a lot about happiness.  I believe that happiness is a choice.  We choose our current state of happiness.  At times we worry too much about how happy we were or how happy we will be.  Basically, we miss the point completely.  Life isn't then, it's now.  Life isn't two-and-a-half-months away.  It's not last week.  It's today.  And you know what?  Today I am happy and I am striving to make tomorrow happy too.  =)  So, why do we constantly worry about what tomorrow or next year or the next 5 years bring?  Make today good, plan well and choose to not worry and be happy and I know that the present ends up being richer.  Life, after all, is lived in the present.  Just a few thoughts I've had this past week.

So, I'm 21 now and I've noticed something simple:  I'm not really any different than I was 3 days ago.  It's a simple statement, but it's true.  I'm now a "full adult" by age.  But so what?  Does that matter?  These are questions I've been asking myself.  Do I need to now suddenly give up the things of "childhood" which made me smile?  My super heroes, silly board games, fantasy novels, or light-hearted jokings? Is full adult life all serious and all responsibility?  Is it less-than-respectable to love the things you've always loved?  We'd all say "no", I think.  I've been thinking a little bit about this and I've realized that who we are doesn't change with age.  Interests can.  As can ideas, beliefs, etc.  But who we are is something greater than that.  So, if I happen to be a bit of a kid at heart, so be it.  =)  I've come to the conclusion that a person can be balanced in all things and mature and responsible and still enjoy watching Disney movies with their nieces and nephews.
I'm learning volumes about loving people for who they are and encouraging them to grow inside of themselves.  I'm also learning volumes about applying that same idea to myself.
I sure love you all.  Have a great week.  I'm trying really hard to focus on the Gospel, my mission, and the love I have for the Lord.  Keep me in your prayers!

Elder Eckman

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